Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Just one and half weeks till the first game...

I am out of town till a week from Saturday, but have a boys varsity game all lined up for that day. I have officiated two college scrimmages about a month ago, but since then have not been on the court. I have been in the gym though, running and getting in shape. My season this year will be a quick one, just under a month long due to school.

I have a few goals for this year that i am hoping to work on looking over past evaluations from last year:

1. Look the part even more. One of my favorite assignors at her camp once said, "Act like you have been there before!" I take that to heart each and every game I go into. Now even more that I have a full varsity schedule ahead.

2. Player/Coach Communication. I do this pretty well now, but I hope to work with some of the new coaches this year and get off to the right start with them. Answer questions quicker as well is something to work on.

3. My pre-game: Needs some work, but with some new ideas this year, I hope to make my pre-games top notch.

4. The toss. My toss needs some serious help, so have been working on this.

I am sure more will come up after my first couple games.

Medium school Boys varsity match up
Big school girls varsity match up.

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